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Welcome to the Jane Petitjean Studio where art is not just something to look at or purchase... It is something to get involved in! 

My studio is where I make visual magic happen! I welcome visitors to attend open studio events periodically and also invite visitors by appointment. My work is also available for sale at Etsy.


Although it is always lovely to purchase art and bring a new piece into your own home, the real magic happens when you become a participant. Whether it's one on one instruction or coaching, or an intimate group of two or three friends gathered, a private art class can be a fabulous addition to your schedule. Besides making beautiful art, the benefits are many:

  • Relaxation from everyday tensions

  • Learning and expanding creative skills and "outside of the box" thinking

  • Discovering new skills and abilities you never new you had

  • Positive channel for expressions whether they be joyful or sad

  • Personal growth of the individual soul or spirit

  • Just for the pure joy and fun of creating!

No matter what your reasons may be, we can tailor a session just for you!  Interested? Let me know!

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